Hi, my name is
Abhay Cashikar
I'm a computer science student at Georgia Tech that enjoys coding and working close to the hardware level.

Photo of me at Rattlesnake Ledge!

I'm currently pursuing a Master's Degree in Computer Science at Georgia Tech, with specific interests in operating systems, embedded systems, and computer architecture. My favorite part of campus life is volunteering at The Hive, the student organization that runs our only makerspace on campus focused on interdisciplinary design! There, I currently work to plan out long-term decisions and partnerships as the Director of Strategy. I've also enjoyed my role as a Teaching Assistant (TA) for CS3651, a class that focuses on real-world applications of programming and circuit knowledge in novel class projects. In my free time, I like to take apart and tinker with various computer programs, electronic devices and systems, as well as design my own!

I've had the unique opportunity to have not one or two but three internships with Microsoft! During my first two internships I worked on Azure and Windows products respectively and became very familiar with the day-to-day tasks of a full-time software engineer. This summer will be my third and final internship with Microsoft, so I'll be continuing my learning journey in-person in Seattle!


Click on the images below to see more about my projects!

I'm in the process of adding more portfolio pages to my site. Here's my resume for now!


I would love to talk with you about any opportunities you think I'd be a good fit for. Even if you're just saying hi, please drop me a line at abhaycashikar@gmail.com!